
Essay-2 (My Treasure)

My treasure is my CD collection. I have over sixty CDs. I started to correct, when I was junior high school. Those days, I didn’t have enough money to buy CD. So I bought maybe only three CDs. I grew up and became a high school student. I had money more than when I was a junior high school student. I used to buy a CD in a month. And now, I buy CDs at least one in a month. Some time I buy five CDs in a month.

Why CD is my treasure? Because I like listening to music badly. Maybe I’m a geek of music especially America and British rock. Most of all my CDs are America and British rock music. I don’t like Japanese music. I don’t know why. I always listening some songs. “No Music, No Life” is true.

Now music is bought by down load from computer. I don’t like such a way. And I some time hear music illegality down load. We should not do it. We should respect musician and pay some money.

Exactly, CD is expensive and plastic is not ecology. But I like CD. CD includes booklet. It is written lyrics and some information. Especially Japanese edition includes translation and liner note. When I buy a CD, I look forward to reading liner note. It doesn’t with down load music. So I support CDs. I will keep on buying CD. I think it is one of my hobbies. I want more CDs. The aim is one thousand.(256 words/6712 words)

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